Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12th Fourth Day of Healing.

Today's been much better.

The dressing itches and I can't wait to get it off.

I'm only taking tylenol for the pain.

Headache is gone.

In a much better mood.

Watching lots of movies.

Feeling hopeful about my career future.

Love to you all.


Mary Thomas said...

This is for everyone who is (definitely at this point) addicted to this blog:

Mage is so wonderful! I work at a medical facility and handle paperwork and other things for her and other patients. I have never met a patient so beloved by everyone she meets! When an office calls me to exchange medical information and I find out its for her, we talk amongst ourselves for about 5 minutes or so about what a wonderful person she is, what a joy to work for! And we tell each other that we are glad she is seeing this and that professional because they are the best and will take good care of her, and so on. Her mother came in and is equally warm and beautiful. I wish I didn't work at a place that requires her to visit only when she is having a medical problem. How unfortunate! Oh, well. Theres always yearly checkups. One of the other medical offices gave me this blog address- hope you dont mind, Mage! I know I speak for my whole staff when I say its been a joy to help in some small way, and I only wish we could have done more.

Unknown said...

Magic, you absolutely rock! The most lucid recounting of a surgical experience, the real deal on the emotional aftermath, and the grace to chat with a 9 year old today. I'm in awe, and not surprised :)

SuSuseriffic said...

I keep trying to leave a comment and I guess they don't like me at bloggers lang. So I made one so I can leave you a message! Ugg! I love you! SuSU

M.M.M. said...

Dear Mary,
Thank you for your LOVELY comment! My Goodness! What a nice thing to read this morning. I'm so glad someone gave you my blog address. Please feel free to share it with anyone you want. I'm doing this partly in hopes that it might be helpful to someone else in a similar situation, so the more it is shared around, the better.

It doesn't take any grace at all to chat with that particular 9 year old. Give her a big hug for me, please!

Thank you for your PACKAGE!!! I LOVED IT!xxxooo Mumu