Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August 6th Results from Biopsy #2 and genetic testing

The good news is; we got the results back from the genetic testing and I do NOT have the aberrant gene that increases my risk of getting additional breast and/or ovarian cancers.

The bad news is; lump #2 is malignant and far enough away from lump #1 that a mastectomy is necessary to remove them both.

The other good news is; lump #2 is the same kind of cancer as lump #1...ductal carcinoma in situ, also known as "stage zero." That means, surgery will take care of it and I will be cancer free!

The other good news is; no need for radiation therapy! (There won't be anything left to radiate!)

I can't think of any other good news right now. I am pretty freaked out about getting my breast removed the day after tomorrow.

I kind of wish I was dating so I could get felt up one last time! But, having a sweetheart right now would add a whole extra unpleasant twist of emotional insecurity to this I guess it's all for the best.


Anonymous said...

You are a strong, capable, beautiful, smart woman. I know that you can handle these next few days and weeks. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Carrie said...

I am so proud of you for all the positive points you listed! (It's because your flow chart rocks.) Huge hug.

Unknown said...

Hey, look at it this way, you're getting the real deal Amazon woman upgrade. Better get practicing with the bow hunting! ;)

Love, kisses and good thoughts!