Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mystery Missive

This is an email I got from a total stranger a couple of weeks ago.

A. sent me your info. She mentioned you were out of town. I wanted to thank you for the info, I went on the Absolutely Safe website and immediately netflixed the movie and watched. Disturbing, for sure.
Did you have a mastectomy and if I can ask, what did you opt for ?
Only place I know that the fat tissue surgical procedure if performed is in New Orleans - and of course, I'm looking for information on insurance coverage and especially now that I've already started a different procedure.
I'd much rather know before the final step, so this was really helpful, thanks again!
Let's talk when possible if you're up for it!

She gave me her phone number, but I didn't call it. Instead, I wrote back:

I'm so happy to hear from you.
Give me a call and I'll be happy to answer all your questions.
Today is very busy, but tomorrow I have a little more time...and the weekend is wide open.

I haven't heard from her. It's been two weeks. I wonder how much the expanders have stretched her chest skin out since the day she wrote to me. I feel bad for not calling her already. Maybe she's already got the implant inserted. Maybe I could have made a difference in her life.

I'll probably call her today.

1 comment:

SuSuseriffic said...

Hmmm...very interesting.....
Great job writing each day!