Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 25th Ultrasound number 2

Dr. Rocco warned me that the MRI is so sensitive it picks up stuff that might not be anything at all.

The morning after my MRI, I got a call asking if I could come in for an ultrasound so they can check out a new lump that showed up on the MRI. I was hoping they would just look at the lump #2 and say, "oh that's nothing" and I could go home. That's not what happened.

Dr. Vernacchia is the medical director there. He did my biopsy. He sat down with Mom and me after the ultrasound to discuss the new information.

Here's the deal as I understand it.

This lump is fishy. It looks a lot like the other lump. I could be more cancer. It does not show up on the mammogram. It is hard to see on the ultra-sound. It is clear on the MRI. It needs to be biopsied.

They cannot use the mammogram to guide the biopsy because they can't see where it is.

They could use the ultrasound to guide the biopsy...but they wouldn't be 100% certain they got it. If it came back that it was malignant...we could make a confident treatment decision. However, if it came back benign...we would have to wonder if it was really benign...or if they just didn't get a sample from the right area.

They could use the MRI to guide the biopsy. However, because of the position of the new would be very difficult to get to it while I am in the MRI machine. Dr. Vernacchia would try to get a sample from it...and if he couldn't, he would drop in a surgical clip at the precise location so that Dr. Rocco can find it while she's doing my surgery. They could then do a "frozen biopsy" to determine whether or not the new lump is cancerous.

I am supposed to decide whether I want the MRI biopsy or the ultrasound biopsy. I think the MRI biopsy makes more sense, but I am going down to Dr. R's office on Monday and I'm just going to ask her what she thinks.

It is still technicallly possible that I may have just the lumpectomy...but I am having trouble keeping that possibility in my mind. I believe in positive visualization and I think it would be great if I could keep upbeat and imagine that tidy little lumpectomy in my future. But I despair...and feel my self gearing up to deal with losing my right breast completely.

Since I can't seem to stay positive...will you do it for me? Imagine this will soon be over and my body won't be radically altered. Thank you!

In the meantime, I am going to wear push-up bras and low-cut sweaters at every opportunity, just in case.


kim the midwife said...

Thank you so much for sharing the details of your double whammy. It is hard to be so far from you. Better to know what is going on, then just wonder all the time.

Through this blog, you will find a deep well of support from strangers who will soon be friends. So before you become all popular and what not, at least I can leave the first comment ;)

Here are some women who had nasty shit dealt to them and write about it. They move and inspire me.

Keep on friend.


Unknown said...

you're an amazing woman magic! i have you in my thoughts daily and pray/wish only the best for you. I'm sure this is a challenging time... but like i said before, "dont make me hit you!" hahaha... you'll make it through this trying time and be the superstar I know you are.